November 2020

November 2020

Feature #25.

Back to where it all began.

Our mates Ozone Coffee Roasters have been with us from before the beginning, from a chance conversation about the importance of sharing the stories behind the coffees that reinforced our concept had merit, to coming on board for our first ever collaboration in November 2018. We wanted to make our second collaboration with Ozone a special one, to say thanks for the support. Months in the planning the team came through with a closely guarded secret, a coffee reserved for the New Zealand Aeropress Championship, an event that took place the very weekend our collaboration dropped. 

Our November collaboration took us back to Colombia, for more Pink Boubon and allowed us to hear the importance of long term relationships between producers an coffee buyers, thanks to an interview with this months producer Pedro Claros and Stephen Leighton of Hasbean provided by Caravela Coffee

The Farm:

Pedro Claros grew up on his family farm in Bruselas, South Huila in Colombia. His father was a coffee producer and as soon as he could walk, he would follow his father around the farm watching him as he carried out his processes. Pedro saw everything with fresh eyes, and his exposure to farm life from such a young age has developed into a passionate career in coffee production. Over time, Pedro has refined what he does and has found success as a coffee producer in his own right. He is now well known in his region and currently works hand in hand with Caravela’s PECA team to educate other producers in the area on ways in which they can improve farm processes, in order to ultimately produce better quality coffee. Pedro’s family take an active role in the innovation on the farm. Pedro has inspired his family’s involvement, and unlike many other farms in the region, Pedro’s sons want to continue working on the farm to create something really special. Pedro is exceptionally proud of his family’s hard work, dedication and commitment to producing a specialty coffee that has caught the attention of roasters abroad. Pedro Claros works every day, involving himself in every step of his producing outstanding coffees, and for this reason seen as a role model for success in Colombian coffee production.


In 2018, Ozone Coffee Roasters merged with Hasbean Coffee. The Hasbean team are dedicated to forming long-term and mutually beneficial partnerships with their producers at Origin. Green is purchased at a price that covers the cost of production, along with a premium that ensures the relationship provides sustainability for everyone involved. Commitment to long-term contracts allow producers to plan for the future and also gives coffee drinkers the confidence to enjoy coffee from their favourite farms, year upon year. The search for exceptional coffee extends beyond the cup at Hasbean, who partner with producers who not only produce the highest quality coffee, but are sustainable in their environmental, economic and social practices. This exceptional coffee from La Chorerra has been exclusively sold to Hasbean via Caravela for the NZ Aeropress Championships event.

The Department:

Huila is the largest specialty coffee producing department in Colombia, and received its origin status back 2013 and is regarded as the birthplace of specialty coffee in Colombia. Located in the south of Huila Department, is Pitalito, Huila’s second largest city and home to approx 125,000 people and is recognised as one of the largest coffee producing areas in Colombia. Located 180kms from the capital Neiva and in the valley of the Rio Grande de la Magdelena (the massive range that straddles the valley) is Finca La Chorerra. The local area is known as the valley of Loboyo’s and is approximately 1300 metres above sea level at the foot of the Andes mountains. These mountains are the birthplace of the Magdalena River that flows all the way to the Caribbean sea. On average, local farms are 6 hectares in size and at a rate of approximately 5000 trees per hectare. The fertile volcanic soil and richness of minerals help boost the agricultural industry of Huila and provide vital nutrients to the high altitude grown coffee. In Huila they also grow rice, farm fish and raise cattle. The region has produced winners of the Cup Of Excellence on several occasions, with the coffee characterised by its juicy acidity, perfect sweet balance and mild citrus.

Tasting Notes:

Country: Colombia

Producer: Claros Family

Region: Pitalito, Huila

Altitude: 1730 M.A.S.L

Variety: Pink Bourbon

Process: Washed, 24 hour fermentation

Drying: On shaded raised beds

Tasting notes: Blackcurrant, Mandarin, Cherry



Dose: 20g

Water: 300g


Bloom: 50g water for 30 seconds

Pour: Water to 200g Time: Target 2 – 2:30 minute contact Add 100g water and stir before serving

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