La Pastora - Costa Rica

  • La Pastora - Costa Rica
Country: Costa Rica

Region: Los Santos (Tarrazu)

Producer: Members of CoopeTarrazu

Process: Washed

Variety: Catuai, Caturra

Altitude: 1200-1900 M.A.S.L

Tasting notes: Almond, Chocolate Mousse, Vanilla Essence
NZ$ 20.00
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CoopeTarrazu was founded in October 1960 by a group of 228 producers in the Los Santos zone, Costa Rica.

Their focus is the promotion of economic and social development through the production of quality coffee. Today, CoopeTarrazu represents 5000 producers and their families.

Los Santos is a mountainous region with coffee growing at altitudes between 1200 &1900m, predominantly under native shade trees. The climate and soil conditions contribute to the characteristic intense chocolate aroma and body of coffee from Los Santos (Tarrazu).

CoopeTarrazu has exported through its long-established direct trade partnerships for over two decades, achieving 100% fair trade certification in recent years.

Their commitment to quality and sustainability led to the creation of a sister company, Sustainable Trading Company, fourteen years ago. Created to complement existing exports, Sustainable Trading Company takes care of logistics, processes and marketing to ensure Costa Rican coffee arrives in your cup at its very best, thus providing additional benefits to producers and rewards for their efforts.

Harvest coincides with the trade winds of October through March. The task provides work for some 15,000 migrant workers from Panama and Nicaragua, who paid for their efforts under the guidance of the Ministry of Labour and Icafe (Costa Rican Coffee Institute).

Beyond treating their workers ethically, CoopeTarrazu takes care of the environment, recently reaching the milestone of composting 100% of coffee pulp waste. Of which 70% is returned to producers as compost, free of charge, while water from the coffee processing irrigates fields per national regulations.


Country: Costa Rica

Region: Los Santos (Tarrazu)

Producer: Members of CoopeTarrazu

Process: Washed

Variety: Catuai, Caturra

Altitude: 1200-1900 M.A.S.L

Tasting notes: Almond, Chocolate Mousse, Vanilla Essence

Recommended for Espresso, Plunger and Filter brewing

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